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The 9 Major Differences Between Aluminum and Copper Busbar

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Bus bars play an indispensable role in the electrical industry, with two main conductor materials being aluminum and copper. So, what are the similarities and differences between aluminum and copper bus bars?

This article will delve into their conductivity, strength, resistance, current carrying capacity, cost, recyclability, and more. By comparing the characteristics of aluminum and copper bus bars, we aim to help you better understand how to choose the appropriate bus bar material for different project requirements.


Property Copper Aluminum
Density 8.96 g/cm³ 2.71 g/cm³
Melting point 1085 ℃ 660 ℃
Conductivity 100 %IACS 61 %IACS
Thermal conductivity 401 W/m·K 237 W/m·K
Linear thermal expansion coefficient 17 μm/m·°C 23.5 μm/m·°C
Resistivity 1.68 μΩ·cm 3.47 μΩ·cm
Young's modulus 110 GPa 70 GPa

Copper bus bar

Copper bus bars are known for their high conductivity and excellent machinability. As one of the oldest conductor materials, copper exhibits excellent electrical conductivity and can resist most chemical corrosion. In the field of electronics, ETP copper and OFE copper are common materials, both known for their outstanding electrical properties. Despite the high price volatility of copper, it finds widespread use in various applications.

Copper bus bar

Aluminum bus bar

Aluminum bus bars, as an alternative to copper, are becoming increasingly popular in electrical applications. Aluminum is much lighter than copper, with a density of approximately one-third that of copper, requiring a larger volume for the same weight.

While aluminum's conductivity is slightly lower than that of copper, its lower cost helps to save expenses and achieve lightweight designs in various fields. Aluminum bus bars generally have lower production and installation costs compared to copper, and in many cases, aluminum also exhibits good mechanical machining properties.

Aluminum bus bar

NO.1 Conductivity contrast: aluminum vs. copper busbar

Conductivity is one of the most crucial indicators for bus bar conductors. Typically, copper bus bars have a conductivity of up to 99.8% IACS, while the conductivity of aluminum bus bars varies slightly depending on the alloy. For instance, pure aluminum bus bars like 1350 typically have a conductivity of around 62% IACS, whereas 6101 aluminum bus bars usually exhibit a conductivity of approximately 55% IACS.

Characteristics Copper Aluminum
Weight for same conductivity (lb.) 100 54
Cross section for same conductivity 100 156

Conductivity contrast: aluminum vs. copper busbar

NO.2 Strength comparison: aluminum busbars vs. copper busbar

Strength is also a critical indicator for bus bars. Copper has a tensile strength of about 32,000 psi, while the tensile strength of electrical-grade aluminum alloy 6101 is approximately 28,000 psi.

Characteristics Copper Aluminum
Tensile strength (Ib/in2) 50000 32000
Tensile strength for same conductivity (lb.) 50000 50000

NO.3 Resistance variation: copper busbars vs. aluminum busbar

Bus bar resistance is one of the critical performance indicators for bus bar conductors. Volume-wise, copper outperforms aluminum. Copper offers lower resistance, reduced power loss, decreased voltage drop, and higher current-carrying capacity, enhancing the electrical efficiency of bus bar systems.

Characteristics Copper Aluminum
Specific resistance(ohmscir/mil ft) (20℃ ref) 10.6 18.52
Coefficient of expansion (per deg. C × 10-6) 16.6 23

NO.4 Current-carrying capacity: aluminum vs. copper busbar

Current carrying capacity refers to the maximum current that a bus bar can handle, determined by factors such as conductor material resistance, temperature rise, and mechanical strength.

In general, copper has a higher conductivity, resulting in a higher current carrying capacity for copper bus bars compared to aluminum bus bars of the same cross-sectional area. This means that under the same current load, copper bus bars experience relatively lower temperature rises, thus enhancing system stability and reliability.

Although the current carrying capacity of aluminum bus bars is lower than that of copper bus bars, they can still handle currents of up to 4000A, which is sufficient for many applications.

Comparison Table of Copper and Aluminum Ampacity
Ampacity Conversion Chart Copper C110 30° C Rise 50° C Rise 65° C Rise Aluminum 6101 30° C Rise 50° C Rise 65° C Rise
Flat Bar Size in Inches Sq. In Circ Mils Thousands Weight Per Ft in Lb. DC Resistance at 20° C, Microhms/Ft 60 Hz Ampacity Amp* Weight Per Ft in Lb. DC Resistance at 20° C, Microhms/Ft 60 Hz Ampacity Amp**
1/16 x 1/2 0.0312 39.7 0.121 264 103 136 157 0.037 494 58 76 88
1/16 x 3/4 0.0469 59.7 0.181 175 145 193 225 0.055 327 81 108 126
1/16 x 1 0.0625 79.6 0.242 132 187 250 285 0.073 247 105 140 160
1/16 x 1 1/2 0.0938 119 0.362 87.7 270 355 410 0.110 164 151 199 230
1/16 x 2 0.125 159 0.483 65.8 345 460 530 0.146 123 193 258 297
1/8 x 1/2 0.0625 79.6 0.241 132 153 205 235 0.073 247 86 115 132
1/8 x 3/4 0.0938 119 0.362 87.7 215 285 325 0.110 164 120 160 182
1/8 x 1 0.125 159 0.483 65.8 270 360 415 0.146 123 151 202 232
1/8 x 1 1/2 0.188 239 0.726 43.8 385 510 590 0.220 82 216 286 330
1/8 x 2 0.25 318 0.966 32.9 495 660 760 0.293 62 277 370 426
1/8 x 2 1/2 0.312 397 1.210 26.4 600 800 920 0.365 49 336 448 515
1/8 x 3 0.375 477 1.450 21.9 710 940 1100 0.439 41 398 526 616
1/8 x 3 1/2 0.438 558 1.690 18.8 810 1100 1250 0.512 35 454 616 700
1/8 x 4 0.5 636 1.930 16.5 900 1200 1400 0.585 31 504 672 784
3/16 x 1/2 0.09375 119 0.362 87.7 195 260 300 0.110 164 109 146 168
3/16 x 3/4 0.141 179 0.545 58.4 270 360 415 0.165 109 151 202 232
3/16 x 1 0.188 239 0.726 43.8 340 455 520 0.220 82 190 255 291
3/16 x 1 1/2 0.281 358 1.090 29.3 480 630 730 0.329 55 269 353 409
3/16 x 2 0.375 477 1.450 21.9 610 810 940 0.439 41 342 454 526
3/16 x 2 1/2 0.469 597 1.810 17.5 740 980 1150 0.549 33 414 549 644
3/16 x 3 0.562 715 2.170 14.6 870 1150 1350 0.658 27 487 644 756
3/16 x 3 1/2 0.656 835 2.530 12.5 990 1300 1500 0.768 23 554 728 840
3/16 x 4 0.75 955 2.900 11 1100 1450 1700 0.878 21 616 812 952
1/4 x 1/2 0.125 159 0.483 65.8 240 315 360 0.146 123 134 176 202
1/4 x 3/4 0.188 239 0.726 43.8 320 425 490 0.220 82 179 238 274
1/4 x 1 0.25 318 0.966 32.9 400 530 620 0.293 62 224 297 347
1/4 x 1 1/2 0.375 477 1.450 21.9 560 740 880 0.439 41 314 414 482
1/4 x 2 0.5 637 1.930 16.5 710 940 1100 0.585 31 398 526 616
1/4 x 2 1/2 0.625 796 2.410 13.2 850 1150 1300 0.731 25 476 644 728
1/4 x 3 0.75 955 2.900 11 990 1300 1550 0.878 21 554 728 868
1/4 x 3 1/2 0.875 1110 3.380 9.4 1150 1500 1750 1.024 18 644 840 980
1/4 x 4 1 1270 3.860 8.23 1250 1700 1950 1.170 15 700 952 1092
1/4 x 5 1.25 1590 4.830 6.58 1500 2000 2350 1.463 12 840 1120 1316
1/4 x 6 1.5 1910 5.800 5.49 1750 2350 2700 1.755 10 980 1316 1512
3/8 x 3/4 0.281 368 1.090 29.3 415 550 630 0.329 55 232 308 353
3/8 x 1 0.375 477 1.450 21.9 510 680 790 0.439 41 286 381 442
3/8 x 1 1/2 0.562 715 2.170 14.6 710 940 1100 0.658 27 398 526 616
3/8 x 2 0.75 955 2.900 11 880 1150 1350 0.878 21 493 644 756
3/8 x 2 1/2 0.938 1190 3.620 8.77 1050 1400 1600 1.097 16 5.88 784 896
3/8 x 3 1.12 1430 4.350 7.35 1200 1600 1850 1.310 14 672 896 1036
3/8 x 3 1/2 1.31 1670 5.060 6.38 1350 1800 2100 1.533 12 756 1008 1176
3/8 x 4 1.5 1910 5.8 5.49 1500 2000 2350 1.755 10 840 1120 1316
3/8 x 5 1.88 2390 7.26 4.38 1800 2400 2800 2.2 8 1008 1344 1568
3/8 x 6 2.25 2860 8.69 3.66 2100 2800 3250 2.633 7 1176 1568 1820
1/2 x 1 0.5 637 1.93 16.5 620 820 940 0.585 31 347 459 526
1/2 x 1 1/2 0.75 955 2.9 11 830 1100 1250 0.878 21 465 616 700
1/2 x 2 1 1270 3.86 8.23 1000 1350 1550 1.17 15 560 756 868
1/2 x 2 1/2 1.25 1590 4.83 6.58 1200 1600 1850 1.463 12 672 896 1036
1/2 x 3 1.5 1910 5.8 5.49 1400 1850 2150 1.755 10 784 1036 1204
1/2 x 3 1/2 1.75 2230 6.76 4.7 1550 2100 2400 2.048 9 868 1176 1344
1/2 x 4 2 2550 7.73 4.11 1700 2300 2650 2.34 8 952 1288 1484
1/2 x 5 2.5 3180 9.66 3.29 2050 2750 3150 2.925 6 1148 1540 1764
1/2 x 6 3 3820 11.6 2.74 2400 3150 3650 3.51 5 1344 1764 2044
1/2 x 8 4 5090 15.5 2.06 3000 4000 4600 4.68 4 1680 2240 2576
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Therefore, when designing power systems, it is necessary to consider the current carrying capacity of both copper and aluminum bus bars comprehensively. Based on specific application requirements, space limitations, and environmental conditions, selecting the appropriate material and size is crucial to ensure the safe and stable operation of the system.

NO.5 Connection methods: aluminum vs. copper busbar

Common connection methods for aluminum and copper bus bars include bolted connections, crimp connections, welded connections, plug-in connections, and soldered connections. Although the connection methods for both are similar, due to copper's better conductivity, copper bus bars can use smaller contact areas. When selecting a connection method, factors such as engineering requirements, construction conditions, technical specifications, and costs should be considered. It is essential to ensure that the surface is clean, the contact area is sufficiently large, and necessary tests are conducted to ensure a secure and reliable connection.

NO.5 Connection methods: aluminum vs. copper busbar

NO.6 Weight consideration: copper vs. aluminum busbar

The difference in weight between aluminum and copper bus bars mainly stems from their different densities. Copper has a density of approximately 8.96 grams per cubic centimeter, while aluminum has a density of about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter. Therefore, copper bus bars of the same cross-sectional area weigh approximately 3.3 times more than aluminum bus bars. For example, a 100 square millimeter copper bus bar weighs around 8.9 kilograms, while an aluminum bus bar of the same cross-sectional area weighs around 2.7 kilograms. The choice between copper and aluminum bus bars depends on the specific requirements: copper bus bars are preferred when higher conductivity and thermal conductivity are needed, while aluminum bus bars are chosen to reduce weight. Click to calculcate the weight of aluminum bus bar.

NO.7 Cost analysis: copper busbars vs. aluminum busbar

There is a significant price difference between aluminum and copper bus bars, with copper being much more expensive than aluminum. Additionally, aluminum prices tend to be more stable compared to copper, with less influence from consumer demand and other political and economic factors. According to data from the London Metal Exchange, the current price ratio between copper and aluminum exceeds 2.6:1, indicating a substantial cost difference between them.

As a result, metal stockists and project managers often prefer aluminum bus bars when their performance requirements are met, as it allows for more accurate cost predictions, thus saving project expenses. The lightweight nature of aluminum bus bars also saves a considerable amount on transportation and installation costs, making them a more cost-effective choice in the design of power systems.

NO.8 Environmental impact: copper vs. aluminum busbar

There are some differences between aluminum and copper bus bars in terms of recyclability. Although both aluminum and copper are 100% recyclable metals, their recycling processes have varying degrees of environmental impact.

Aluminum is one of the most recycled industrial metals, with approximately 75% of recycled aluminum still in use. In contrast, the recycling rate for copper is slightly lower, at about 65%. Additionally, the energy required to recycle aluminum is only 5% of that needed for primary production, while recycling the same amount of copper requires 15% of the energy needed for mining and extraction. This indicates that the recycling process for aluminum has a smaller environmental impact, as it relies less on non-ecological mining and extraction processes and generates less energy waste.

In summary, aluminum bus bars have a relative advantage in recyclability, as their recycling process has a smaller environmental impact and helps conserve resources and reduce costs.

NO.9 Application specifics: choosing between copper and aluminum busbar

Aluminum bus bars are typically used in applications where cost and weight requirements are high, such as interior electrical systems in buildings, small industrial equipment, and low-voltage power distribution systems. Compared to copper bus bars, aluminum bus bars have lower density and cost. Therefore, in cost- and weight-sensitive applications, aluminum bus bars are often the more economical and suitable choice.

Application specifics: choosing between copper and aluminum busbar

On the other hand, copper bus bars are commonly used in applications that require high electrical conductivity and reliability, such as large industrial equipment, substations, and high-voltage power distribution systems. Due to their lower resistance, excellent conductivity, and stability, copper bus bars can withstand higher current loads and maintain stable resistance and temperature rise over long-term use. Therefore, they are widely used in power systems with high-performance and stability requirements.

In summary, aluminum and copper bus bars play important roles in different application scenarios. Choosing the appropriate material depends on specific project requirements, performance criteria, and cost considerations.

Application specifics: choosing between copper and aluminum busbar


In summary, there are significant differences between aluminum and copper bus bars in terms of cost, weight, recyclability, and environmental friendliness. Aluminum bus bars have lower manufacturing costs, are lighter in weight, and have lower transportation and installation costs, but their conductivity is slightly lower than that of copper bus bars. On the other hand, copper bus bars, while more expensive and heavier, offer excellent conductivity and higher reliability.

Therefore, when choosing between aluminum and copper bus bars, it's essential to conduct a comprehensive assessment based on specific project requirements. If the project demands lower costs and weight with moderate conductivity requirements, then aluminum bus bars may be the more suitable choice. If the project requires high conductivity and reliability, with a higher budget, then copper bus bars might be more appropriate.

Taking into account project requirements, budget, performance criteria, and environmental factors, selecting the most suitable bus bar material is crucial for the successful implementation of the project.

Mastar Metal EC grade aluminum busbar product list

  • 6101 EC grade Aluminum Busbar
    1350 Aluminum Busbar
    • High mechanical strength
    • Electrical conductivity of 59% IACS
    • Good thermal stability
  • CCA EC grade Aluminum Busbar
    1350 Aluminum Busbar
    • High electrical conductivity
    • Good machinability
    • Good processability
  • 1350 Aluminum Busbar
    1350 Aluminum Busbar
    • Conductivity of 61% IACS
    • Aluminum content up to 99.5%
    • Good corrosion resistance
  • 1370 Aluminum Busbar
    1370 Aluminum Busbar
    • Conductivity: 61% IACS
    • High strength
    • Good processability
  • 1060 Aluminum Busbar
    1060 Aluminum Busbar
    • Conductivity: 61% IACS
    • Good corrosion resistance
    • No cracking in 90° bends
  • 1070 Aluminum Busbar
    1070 Aluminum Busbar
    • Aluminum content: 99.7%
    • Conductivity: 61% IACS
    • High ductility
  • 1050 Aluminum Busbar
    1050 Aluminum Busbar
    • Conductivity: 60% IACS
    • Excellent corrosion resistance
    • No cracking during 90° bending
  • 6063 Aluminum Busbar
    6063 Aluminum Busbar
    • Conductivity: 59% IACS
    • Good mechanical properties
    • Heat treatable